Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Missing Level Datums

In all the hoopla of starting new projects and using old projects and templates, some of the level indicators in the elevation views have gone missing. Which isn't necessarily a problem (just skip to step 5), until they ALL go missing. To get your levels back to where you can manipulate them if you can see NO LEVELS in any elevations:
  1. Create a new Building Elevation.

  2. Highlight that Building Elevation Tag, and stretch it's cutoff and extents as far as you can (three directions). Maybe even move that tag further out so it can pick up more entities (4th direction).

  3. Go to that elevation view.

  4. Look for any Level Datum. If you still cannot see any levels, go back to step 2 and make the elevation view range larger again

  5. Highlight a visible level datum, right click select "select all entities", then click "Maximize 3D Extents"

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