Monday, January 26, 2009

Foundation Plan Linetypes

Foundation Patterns can be tricky for the Foundation plan if you've lost your dashed footings try resetting your View Range in Element Properties (VP).

Top and Cut Plane should be set above the finish floor slab to show door openings and walls above the stem wall.
Bottom should be set to an elevation below the top of footings to insure that footings have the correct linetype.

Set the Visibility Graphics Overrides (VG):
For Spot and Continuous Footings, Structural Foundations, the main category (not Analytical, not Hidden, not Plan Rep) should be set to a hidden linetype and heavier lineweight.
For Turndown Slabs, under Floors, set Slab Edges to a hidden linetype and lineweight 4 (the same as or less than the floor outline).

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