Sunday, July 5, 2009

Drilled / Augercast / Pier / Pile Schedule

Updated 2014:
Start by modifying the Pile-Steel Pipe.rfa family.  Change the material to concrete, and the OmniClass to the generic Foundation Piles if you are unsure of the exact pier/pile installation technique.  In the family settings of your project change the assembly code to Piles - CIP.   The piers / piles can now be tagged and scheduled as foundation objects.  The rest of this nonsense below can probably be ignored.

I've used a concrete column to draw drilled piers on my project. Not sure if this was correct but this is how I'll schedule it. Below are the directions from the Footing Schedule creating. Should be similar...

  1. Tag by category
  2. Select Tags from menu (Revit 2009)
  3. Load --> Annotations --> Structural --> Structural Column Tag.rfa
  4. Select Tag --> Edit Family
  5. Save As --> S:/Revit/Downloads --> Struct_Column_Tag_TypeMark.rfa
  6. Edit Label to "Type Mark"
  7. Draw Symbol --> Save --> Load into Project
  8. Create Drilled Pier types
  9. View --> New --> Schedule --> Structural Column Schedule
  10. Add Type Mark and Type Comments to Schedule
  11. Format and Filter Schedule as necessary...
  12. Select all piers (one pier then right click then "select all instances")
  13. Tag all not tagged

Spot Footing Schedules should be created early in the project to avoid conflicts with tagging. Spot (isolated) footing properties such as size, mark, and reinforcing should be edited by "Type", as opposed to instance, to simplify scheduling.
  1. "View"->"New"->"Schedule/Quantities"

  2. Category will be "Structural Foundations"

  3. From "Available Fields" add "Type Mark", "Type", "Type Comments"

  4. Change "Type Comments" field title to "Reinforcing", change "Type" to "Size", change "Type Mark" to "Mark".

  5. Right click on the schedule, and select "View Properties"

  6. Select "Sorting/Grouping", deselect "Itemize every instance", and Sort By "Type"
Update: I created a tag family named "Structural Foundation Tag - Type Mark.rfa" Load this into your project to skip the next three steps.
  1. On the Foundation View, from the Drafting bar, use "Tag" -> "By Category" to tag a spot footing, select the keynote tag, and "Edit Family".

  2. Delete the box and draw a polygon (or oval) around the text using "Lines"

  3. Load the edited family back into the project.
Each spot footing Type needs to have its own Mark designation. Do this in the footing "Type Properties" under "Type Mark" (not under "Element Properties).

Each spot footing Type needs to have its own reinforcing callout. Do this in the "Type Properties" under "Type Comments".

Once the schedule is created, new footing marks, reinforcing and descriptions can be modified in the schedule directly.
  1. Format the schedule for appearance, and place on a sheet.

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