Friday, June 4, 2010

Key Plans

***Edit, See also
Simple enough: Directly in your titleblock family (highlight a titleblock, hit the "Edit Family" button) create filled regions for your building areas with text as needed, and an outline of the building as well (something will need to show when your filled regions are turned off). Your regions can contain as many levels and areas as you wish, layered on top of each other as necessary. Do not get too complicated with the building outlines or you start getting "Element is too small on screen" errors with sketch lines that are too short. Once your keyplan is drawn:

  1. Use the "Types" button to enter the "Family Types" dialogue box.
  2. Add a new parameter for every area defined in the keyplan:
  3. Name will obviously correspond to the named area or sheet.
  4. Discipline is fine with "Common"
  5. Type of Parameter must be set to "Yes/No"
  6. Group parameter under can be set to "Graphics"
  7. Check the "Instance" radio button because each sheet will show a different keyplan area.
  8. Close the Family Types box once all your areas are created.
  9. Highlight a single filled region keyplan area and enter its Properties dialogue box.
  10. Under the Graphics portion, Hit the small button at the end of the "Visible" parameter.
  11. An "Associate Family Parameter" box should appear, where you will select the corresponding parameter and hit the OK button. Do this for every region in your keyplan.
  12. Optionally, group the keyplan together to avoid unintentional editing.
  13. Reload the titleblock in to your project, the titleblock now has checkboxes available in the properties dialogue where you can turn the keyplan areas off and on.
***Don't forget to create a "No Keyplan" parameter that turns off the outlines and text as well.
***With larger more complicated projects, it's probably better to define keyplan areas by the sheet number and names, to avoid confusion later. Trust me.
***If you change the keyplan and delete an area you don't need or add to another, don't forget to delete the parameter as well, again, to avoid confusing other drafters later on.
***Your keyplan filled regions do not necessarily have to match the building outline, remember this when you have external portals, sitewalls, etc or are doing renovation/addition work.

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