Sunday, February 13, 2011

Revit 2011 & AutoCAD 2011 Sluggish

And sluggish is a nice word. Revit and AutoCAD slow to a crawl immediately after starting up, and in most cases are unuseable. The other programs running on this computer seem fine, but are affected. Rebooting the system works for a while. Then the problem eventually comes back.

I found that the revit.ini file has a username parameter that is sensitive to what user is logged on to Windows. If this is set differently, a program called Wscommcntr2.exe ( possibly Wscommcntr1.exe ? ) hangs, causing the Autodesk program you are using to stop responding. Killing this program brings back AutoCAD and Revit immediately. Wscommcnter reports data back to Autodesk, I think for bug reports (a little ironic). You can kill this process safely without losing functionality.

This could happen often I imagine if you do like we do, and use "hand me down" computers, where the AutoDesk product is installed under one username, then later used under a different username.

For our purposes, I edited the Revit.ini file, deleted the old username from the line


And restarted Revit. Revit then filled in the line with the correct username itself, and continued on. No problems since (we hope).

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