Friday, August 17, 2007


  1. Inserted Architectural Revit file as a link. sendspace works well for transfering large files.
  2. Toyed with the existing structural views. Most view properties have the "Discipline" set to "Structural", meaning that you cannot view the Architectural items. Change Discipline to "Coordination". Also, some views have a bizarre crop area, hit the "Show Crop Region" icon if nothing is visible. Right click on the crop region and select "Reset Crop".
  3. Began with the Copy/Monitor command, using "Select Link" option. Began choosing walls. Problem... The arch walls are many layers metal stud, interior finish, exterior stucco, exterior veneer, etc etc. I am only concerned with the 6" metal stud, which is what is "copied" in to my project, but it is in the wrong location. It appears to be centering my structural metal stud wall on the entire width of the architectural wall...
  4. Close My Structural Project.
  5. Open the Architectural Revit file using the "detach from central" option so that I can modify stuff.
  6. I Purge the file of 700 odd families not in the project.
  7. I save that file as "Project Families" in my project directory. This file is now down to 8MB from 38MB in size.
  8. I make sure that the Arch file is closed, and open by structural project and "Project Families".
  9. From my project, I choose the menu item "File -> Transfer Project Standards". Copy From already has the Arch link available to copy from,,, so I might have created too many steps with the "Project Families" thing, but after second thought maybe it's a good idea so that I don't import a bunch of crap I don't need. Of course I could always just purge my project a lot, but if I don't want to lose my structural families... Anyhow... I select "Walls" and load those into my project.
  10. Now I can change my current walls to what I think is the correct wall type to match the architect. Many times I have to swap the interior with exterior using the blue arrows (change wall's orientation).

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