Monday, November 24, 2008

Step Footings and Footing Elevations

On foundation plans built with Revit, we are unable to use our usual method of calling out step footings, so they will end up looking something like this:

This can be partially automated with the Spot Dimension tag:
  1. Under the Drafting bar, select "Spot Dimension", select an appropriate type, duplicate it and create a new spot dimension named "T/F (Shared)".
  2. Change the arrowhead to Filled Dot - Small.
  3. In "Elevation Indicator", enter "T/F = "
  4. In "Elevation Origin", select the "Shared" option.
The Step Footing label is just text with a leader pointing to the step location. Use the bottom of wall properties to set top of footing elevations. If the bottom of your walls are set correctly, the footing step line and elevations will show up correctly.

To change your shared project elevation, see

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