Friday, March 4, 2011

Area Tags - Square Footage - Floor Areas

To calculate square footage of different floor areas:

The simplest way is to schedule all your floors. Ideally, you'll have modeled your floor areas properly with proper types and names to be able to sort and keep them separated. But if it's too late for that now....

If you have a lot of areas that you cannot schedule (Filled Regions representing depressed slabs), you can create an Area Plan to keep track of the square footage.

Create a new Area Scheme (i.e. Concrete Slabs) in the Area and Volume Computation settings . The only place I can find to access these settings at this time is under the Architect & Site tab, there is a small arrow next to Area you can click on.

View --> Plan Views --> Area Plan

Select your new Type from the dropdown list.

Select the Floor Level Elevation you will create an Area Plan for.

Choose yes or no do define areas by walls. You may want to try both options to see the difference.

Use VG to turn on the subcategory fills for Areas, they will be easier to locate and work with.

Use VG to turn on the Annotation category "Area Tags", if you plan on tagging areas on the plan.

Under the Architect & Site Ribbon, use Boundary to "sketch" area boundaries. You may need to uncheck the Apply Area Rules box to select lines instead of boundary walls. Note that there is no "Finish" button for sketching Areas. Simply stop drawing once you have an enclosed space.

Use the Area command to create the actual Area. If you have an Area Tag loaded it should tag it automatically also.

Optionally, name each Area according to it's type (3/4" Depressed Slab, 2 1/2 Raised Slab, etc)

You can now Schedule these Areas for a square footage count as you would with Floors.

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