Thursday, March 24, 2011

Headers in Plan View - Revit

We like to show headers on our framing plans like so:

I had a program in AutoCAD that did a lot of the work for us, but we are Revit users now.

From your Annotate ribbon, select Component --> Detail Component --> Load Family

The header is named Header - Plan View.rfa and is located under Imperial Library/Detail Components/Div 08-Openings/ directory. If you have not copied it to your computer it is located at S:/Revit/ on the //SERVER/

This annotation can be placed and stretched in both directions to match any opening size and wall thickness.

It is constructed of Detail Items named "Header edges" and "Headers", the line work can be modified from the Manage ribbon, in Object Styles --> Detail Items

BE AWARE that this is only a Detail Item, and not an Object. This means it will only appear in the view you create it, and cannot be tagged or scheduled.

=============== NOTES ==================
Yes, at one point I tried to create a header object in the windows and doors openings family that would show up automatically on framing plans, and was marginally successful. But it only worked if all your View Ranges worked out perfectly, plus you still had to insert every door and window manually to match the architectural. It made for a good looking model, but wasn't very practical production-wise.

Is there there is a way to create this so that it attaches itself to walls automatically?

1 comment:

Almost said...

i can't find that header in my library. Im using revit structure 2011 metric version, don't know if that is the reason.