Wednesday, September 5, 2007


  1. Got some framing layouts and began placing more members.
  2. I renamed Level 2 to Top of Steel and placed all beams on that level for ease of modification later. Hopefully this won't conflict with any Arch Levels that might be named the same.
  3. The Framing tag that I want to use for beams should have an elevation on it. I search the net -
    a. Edit Family - Save as New
    b. Add Label - Add Parameter - argh... something about shared parameter files... maybe I'll get into this later.
  4. Found some information for 2.5K Joists here:
    I don't think he is needing a full truss, since those are already included. What he was looking for is used for short spans, and is essentially 2 - 2 1/2" channels back to back. It is basically the 2 1/2" seat of a K-joist. The way I created one of these is to take a standard joist and get rid of the bars, the top & bottom chord, and just extend the seat the full length.
  5. Ended up creating a new family using an 8K1. Be sure to open all views when editing a family so you can see all the parameters. I started by deleting the K Joist parameters not needed, one at a time so as not to interfere with constraints and formulas. There's a lot of extra parameters on the VS joist I created that are probably not necessary, but it works. Right now it only includes a 2.5VS1, but I'll add more later. Links: Revit Structure Family - VS Joist. :: Vulcraft

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