Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wall Sweeps, Reveals, & Precast Concrete Tilt-Up

Snagged this from an AUGI forum, but still have not got it to work:

We use precast all the time in our office and have had the most success using reveals to show panels. We draw our exterior walls contiguously, with interior furring. We then use a reveal with chamfered edges that extend through the thickness of the concrete panel. To create a reveal: 1. Create the profile of your reveal and save it with a descriptive name. I find it easiest to just modify an existing profile. Make sure to draw a closed polyline. I usually extend the shape out past the face of the wall just a little. 2. Load this profile into your project. (You can do this from within the Family Editor if your source project is also open, or you can later load the profile like any other family.) 3. Place a wall reveal in your project. These are found under the Modeling design bar/Host Sweep/Wall Reveal. Pick vertical or horizontal, and place in your wall. 4. Select this reveal and go to its properties. 5. Duplicate the reveal and give it a descriptive name, like "Tiltup Reveal." 6. Edit it's properties, and under Construction/Profile, select the profile you just made. Viola, a precast reveal. Note, you could also create a solid sweep from this profile (though I don't know why you'd want to Smile ) by using the same process under "Wall Sweep." In Revit, a profile is a profile. Sweep or Reveal determines if you are creating a solid or a void. Hope this helps, and welcome to Revit! You'll never go back! -Jen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't really know too much about the subject. But supposedly there are big wind advantages? My wife is telling me we need to do something like that at our house. It seems expensive. Jerry Jones | concrete tilt up panels